Photo Services

Photos &

Do you need photos for your website? Or do you have old negatives or slide photos that you want to use? Get in touch. We can scan both negatives, positives and paper images.


John Doe
Jan Smith
David Andrews


Web Design

Creative Process

We work closely with our photographer at Christensen.Gallery (actually it’s also me!) and can make a lot of different shots for your websites. Head on over to the Christensen.Gallery website and see what you think.

Our creative process is very simple. We will try to figure out what it is you want to do and then we find a way to make it work.

It helps if you have examples of photos that you like and that you would want to work around.

Time and bookings

As this is my hobby and I do have a fulltime job it can be difficult sometimes to find a time. But weekends and late afternoon tends to work.

Photo selections

Onece the photos have been shot I will let you have a look at them on my camera and you can select which ones you like.

PhotoShop and retouching

Photos will be cleaned up and crisp and ready for use in our projects. For portraits I do some adjustments and light retouch.

Project Management

The entire process will be managed by us. We have a online delivery model where you will be able to download your photos once you have accepted and paid for them.

Product photos

We can deliver crips and clean product photos for your website. We can even train you and advice on what equipment you need to take your own proffesional grade photos.


Clean and crisp

Sizes for all devices and uses

Creative Idea

Our philosophy of “Make IT work” means we will apply all our expertise so all you need to do is concentrate on your business and making money!